HealthPlans, MedicareAdvantage, Quality of Care

CMS Releases 2021 Part C Star Ratings

48.5 percent of contracts rated 4 stars of higher.

“A total of 28 contracts are highlighted on the Medicare Plan Finder with a high performing indicator indicating they earned 5 stars; 21 are MA-PD contracts”

“approximately 77 percent of MA-PD enrollees are currently in contracts
that will have 4 or more stars in 2021.”

“Medicare Advantage with prescription drug coverage (MA-PD) contracts are rated on up to 44 unique quality and performance measures; MA-only contracts on up to 32 measures.”

“MA-PDs with 10 or more years in the program are more than twice as likely to have 4 or more stars compared to contracts with less than 5 years in the program”