PublicOption, StateAdmin

Democrats introduce bill to create BadgerCare public option

Channel3000 2/2//2022

The bill would create a public health coverage option through BadgerCare for people and small employers and also create a new basic health plan for individuals making between 133% and 200% of the federal poverty line.

The legislation would also establish a state-based online marketplace for Wisconsinites instead of the federal website.

“This is going to increase the number of people eligible for health coverage and will provide affordable coverage to fit our tight budgets,” Rep. Kristina Shelton (D-Green Bay) said during a virtual news conference Monday morning. “It will also be available to lawful immigrants whose incomes are below (the) poverty line but (who are) ineligible for Medicaid due to their immigration status.”

Supporters of the bill said it is about saving the average Wisconsinite money and trying to move the state away from an insurance model prioritizing profit over patients.