AffordableCare, Capitation, Competition, Managed Care, MedicareAdvantage

Wilensky recommends autoenrolling seniors in MA Plans

An article co-authored by Gail Wilensky contains the following:

Congress should couple auto-enrollment with default assignment of new Medicare beneficiaries into the growing Medicare Advantage market as a promising first step for potentially being able to stabilize the future of Medicare and for providing more integrated care for America’s current and future seniors.”

The article makes these factual points in favor of MA plans

  • In 2019, the average premium of MA plans (paid for as a separate cost to those of Part A and B) is estimated to be 7.2 percent ($4.50) cheaper than the basic Part D premium alone (which traditional Medicare beneficiaries purchase separately).[1] 
  • Further, in 2019, half of MA beneficiaries had a “zero premium” plan,[2]  and average premiums are expected to decrease by 23 percent in 2020[3]
  • MA plans also set limits on out-of-pocket costs to consumers, unlike its FFS alternative.
    • For HMOs that cover in-network services, this limit averaged $5,059 for 2019 and could not exceed $6,700.
    • PPOs, which offer coverage for both in-network and out-of-network providers, must have a combined limit on out-of-pocket costs of $10,000 or less, though this averaged $8,818 in 2019.[4]
  • With 41 percent of MA spending directed through risk-transfer payment models, MA exceeds other plan markets in transferring risk to providers.

[1] News release, “Medicare Advantage Premiums Continue to Decline While Plan Choices and Benefits Increase in 2019,” CMS, September 28, 2018, (accessed September 9, 2020).

[2] G. Jacobson et al., “A Dozen Facts About Medicare Advantage in 2019,” Kaiser Family Foundation, June 6, 2019.

[3] News release, “Trump Administration Drives Down Medicare Advantage and Part D Premiums for Seniors,” CMS, September 24, 2019, (accessed September 9, 2020).

[4] Ibid.,